Wednesday 3 October 2012

How To Be Positive About Everything

By Jafree Ozwald

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." ~Albert Schweitzer
When you are positive about everything in your life, something magical happens. Everything good seems to effortlessly flow your way, your desires effortless manifest, and people just love hanging around you. People in your presence smile and laugh more, which makes you feel even better inside about being alive. Being positive is more important than you think. It's the foundation of your very survival. If you could only think a stream of negative thoughts for the next few weeks, you might start believing suicide is the only viable option. Once you learn how to find the good within the bad, you'll easily manifest a continual flow of success wherever you go.

Life contains both polarities of nature, the deep and dark as well as the light bright, and everything between the two. The dark always contains the light, and the light always contains the dark. Just like the eastern Yin-Yang symbol. They co-exist as complementary energies that cannot exist separately. This melting light/dark energy is found in the fabric and matrix of every atom in our Universe. When you remember this, you'll know that somewhere inside the negative you can find a seed of something positive. You just have to get out your microscope and look more closely at the situation with a creative mind and an open heart.

The greatest advice I've ever received for being unstoppably positive about life is the thought that "anything is possible". This one little concept has allowed my mind to continuously open, even after it became momentarily closed. Believe it or not, it is possible to be positive about everything that happens to you in life. There is always something to be learned from each situation, person and circumstance no matter how challenging it may be. Being consistently positive is simply a choice that you make in each moment. It's a creative choice where you decide that you are 100% devoted to finding some possible way to enjoy this experience. Finding positivity in everything stems FROM believing in the impossible. You start realizing that you're living in an infinite Universe that has no boundary to it, thus there is no boundary to your mind or imagination. How would you view your life differently this week if you knew without a doubt that anything and everything was possible?

I'd like to give you a little exercise that will help you find the power to be positive about everything. Right now, focus your attention on your heart. What emotions and sensations do you notice are going on in there? Allow the energy around and inside your heart to soften and relax until you feel your mind follows along, and becomes more relaxed and quiet with it. Breathe slowly and deeply, focusing only on your heart relaxing. Do this for 5-10 minutes and enjoy the process of relaxing and letting go. Just explore the experience of relaxing your heart. You'll soon notice as your heart relaxes, it feels like there is more space for you to think positive thoughts about your life. I invite you to keep relaxing and opening this heart space... as you read the rest of this article.

A positive state of mind is the soil where you can plant and harvest the seeds of your desires. Positive thinking is necessary for happiness to blossom and you . It creates an energized state of mind that we all wish to live in 24 hours a day IF it is authentic and truly real. You may wonder is this possible or desirable to be positive about life all the time? It is possible, if you can constantly let go and surrender to your spiritual path. Sometimes we need more growth, change or diversity to add to our life experience. Thus, we may think we need to temporarily get wrapped around a lower vibration of negative thinking. Usually this is followed by a strong urge to try and think only pure positive thoughts all the time. It's good to know that everything in life, yes everything, is temporary.

The mind is like a parachute, when it opens up it will save your life. With an open mind you don't have to try so hard to only think positive thoughts. You can allow for any life experience to show up and simply open your mind to seeing the positive outcome out of it. It is a constant moment to moment choice to have an open positive mind. If you can just choose to have an open mind, you'll be able to manifest anything and everything you want in life. If the mind is impatient and continues to stay closed and will not open, embrace it with curiosity. The more doubt, disbelief, and resistance you have, the greater the transformation will be! If you can maintain an open mind and a relaxed heart for the next 30 days of your life, an orgasmic experience of constant bliss will be awaiting you. That is something to look forward to!!

When you practice opening your mind and relaxing into your heart for 16 hours a day, eventually positive thinking will come flooding into you! You will explore what its like to embrace each experience you have with a childlike state of wonder and curiosity. You will see how much fun life truly is! You can play, learn, experiment, and enjoy this Divine creative exploration your soul signed up for! You'll see that each positive or negative thought is a gift or a tool that's designed to help enlighten you on your journey. The negative dark energy emphasizes positive lightness, and makes is sparkle! When you relax about the negative, you'll soon find that the situations you're currently in right now are all Divine and sacred. Then, each circumstance of your life becomes a guru for you.

When you're ready to live a life that is filled with relaxation, you'll start appreciating the little things in life. You'll find happiness in a green blade of grass or even a simple walk in the park. You'll start to slow down more and bring yourself into a natural state of meditation everyday. You'll want to practicing sitting alone, quietly with yourself, being relaxed, still, silent and truly resting into your heart for 20 minutes every 24 hours. By making this a daily habit, you will build up substantial energy, focus, and consciousness that your spiritual awareness will become finely tuned. The advanced spiritual seeker is deeply happy with life exactly as it is...and this divine part of you is wanting some practice! Ultimately, your spiritual exploration in life is where you'll find a natural long term state of positivity that carries you through the day.

"You are the Supreme Being, and yet thinking yourself
to be separate from it, you strive to become united with it.
What is stranger than this?"
~Ramana Maharshi
If you can stop and imagine yourself having a spiritual awakening experience in your life, what do you see happening? The experience of enlightenment is simply a shift into a larger perspective about everything. Start with asking yourself if you are experiencing this moment of your life from the viewpoint of your ego, or from your soul? Are you seeing life as if you were connected to the God Source or trying to connect to it? The shift into happiness occurs when your ego dissolves and you surrender to the whole. When this occurs, the secret is that you don't try to maintain or possess any perspective, epiphany or spiritual experience. Just thank it for coming to you, feel it into your bones, and integrate it when it shows up as best you can. A spiritual ecstatic experience can be very big and amazing, so the tendency may be to try and hold on. Yet, let each one go and remain open because the next one (an even bigger one) is on its way!

It's good to know that each experience of life already contains an effortless direction connection to the God Source itself. There is nothing truly you need to "do" to create this connection. You already are this spiritual energy and divine consciousness. It is already here now, in this very moment. These enlightening thoughts are just pointers and reminders for you to see and feel it again. So just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride! Enjoy this blessed magical mind and body you're living in. You're about to dive inside yourself and discover that the rest of your life is a grand spiritual journey. Have fun and enjoy the ride!

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