Friday 18 January 2013

A diet high in antioxidants helps banish anxiety, stress and depression

Friday, January 18, 2013 by: PF Louis
(NaturalNews) Orthomolecular medicine uses high doses of supplements instead of pharmaceutical drugs as its medicine. Originally, this model was used for psychiatric purposes.

During the 1950s, the world renowned and Nobel prize winning biochemist, Linus Pauling, had been looking into the molecular events around disease. The word orthomolecular expressed the notion of "the right molecules in the right concentration."

A couple of psychiatrists, Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond, began successfully treating schizophrenics with mega-doses of niacin or vitamin B3. Thus the recognition of balancing molecular nutrients in the brain was the origin of molecular psychiatry, which also led to orthomolecular medicine for physical ailments.

Compare orthomolecular therapies to dangerous pharmaceuticals

Mega-dose IV vitamin C is a stellar example of orthomolecular medicine. It has been used successfully for a variety of diseases. Yet mainstream medical doctors refuse to look into it or admit its effectiveness.

The dramatic story of Alan Smith's recovery from his coma due to complications of pneumonia and leukemia is an excellent example of mainstream medicine's refusal to consider the possibilities of mega-dose supplement therapies.

60 Minutes TV presentation (New Zealand) here: (

Mega-dose oral liposomal C makes its appearance at the 15 minute mark of the video. More on that and its availability here: (

A North Carolina small town doctor, Frederick Robert Klenner, MD, was curing kids with polio during the 1948-1950 polio epidemic by injecting them with vitamin C, charging very little from his tiny office.

He went to a medical conference and explained what he was doing with vitamin C for pneumonia and polio. His colleagues were not impressed. They didn't even bother to ask him any questions. (

Meanwhile, psychiatrists marginalize orthomolecular psychiatry as quackery while they dispense harmful pharmaceutical drugs based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) after a short office visit.

Often, these drugs make the patients worse, even suicidal or homicidal. Yet, children and teenagers are often forced into taking them for minor behavioral problems.

A person who is actively involved in resisting Codex Alimentarius from suppressing supplement use in America cured himself while committed in a psychiatric institution by using vitamins sneaked in for him while he was avoiding psychiatric drugs.

Medical study in India confirms what orthomolecular practitioners already know

A study in an Indian psychiatric clinic of a private hospital was conducted on 80 subjects between 20 and 60 years of age. They were experiencing general depression and anxiety. Medical testing noted they were deficient with vitamins A, C, and E.

After six weeks of supplementing those antioxidant vitamins, their conditions improved significantly. The study team concluded that antioxidant supplements were a useful supportive therapy for patients with anxiety and depression.

This study report is useful for those of us who use supplements. But mega-dosing of vitamins from the B complex were not used. Those are the vitamins often used for mental disorders in orthomolecular psychiatry.

Unfortunately, the good guys who actually heal without side effects with orthomolecular applications must remain undercover. Perhaps more studies like this may help bring them into more public awareness and professional acceptance.

Sources for this article include:

60 Minutes TV report of Alan Smith's recovery using vitamin C mega-dosing

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